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Karen Seashore Louis - Aligning Student Support with Achievement Goals : The Secondary Principal's Guide read online PDF, DOC, EPUB


Fully integrate your school's support community and watch achievement levels and morale soar! Many principals feel they lack the personnel necessary to raise student achievement to mandated levels. Yet, as school leaders seek to improve educational outcomes, one of the most underutilized groups remains student support professionals-the counselors, social workers, and nurses already on site. Karen Seashore Louis and Molly F. Gordon offer a practical approach to creating a fully integrated student support community that contributes to increasing achievement levels. Incorporating research and practical strategies into a broader paradigm of leadership, they offer directives for implementing reform initiatives and rigorously assessing their effectiveness. Bridging theory and practice, this book provides: An examination of emerging models linking student support programs and academic achievement Guidelines and resources for overcoming barriers to reform Exercises and suggestions to help start the change process Case studies of principals who have successfully integrated their student support services An expanded comprehensive support model (CSP) that considers the multi-professional nature of student support activities Reorganizing existing resources is the most efficient path to school reform. Rather than limiting the counselor or social worker's role, use it to form a comprehensive support program to help improve school achievement!, Many headteachers feel they lack the personnel necessary to raise student achievement to mandated levels. Yet, as school leaders seek to improve educational outcomes, one of the most underutilized groups remains student support professionals - the counsellors, social workers, and nurses already on site. Karen Seashore Louis and Molly F. Gordon offer a practical approach to creating a fully integrated student support community that contributes to increasing achievement levels. Incorporating research and practical strategies into a broader paradigm of leadership, they offer directives for implementing reform initiatives and rigorously assessing their effectiveness. Bridging theory and practice, this book provides: o An examination of emerging models linking student support programs and academic achievement o Guidelines and resources for overcoming barriers to reform o Exercises and suggestions to help start the change process o Case studies of principals who have successfully integrated their student support services o An expanded comprehensive support model (CSP) that considers the multi-professional nature of student support activities Reorganizing existing resources is the most efficient path to school reform. Rather than limiting the counsellor or social worker's role, use it to form a comprehensive support program to help improve school achievement!

Aligning Student Support with Achievement Goals : The Secondary Principal's Guide by Karen Seashore Louis in FB2, TXT

This year distinguished poets Bob Hicok and Maxine Kumin serve as poetry co-editors., These 60 brilliant selections, culled from 8,000 nominations and hundreds of presses provide "essential reading" Kirkus) for avid readers of modern literature.Netrootsweaves together a range of evidence and arguments to shatter conventional myths about this online movement.David Federman has never felt appreciated.It assesses how to enhance beam energy or power through Q switching, mode-locking, and amplification, and it illustrates how mode selection and frequency stabilizing technology can improve light beam directionality or monochromaticity.Beyond teaching about the arts as a subject in and of itself, the text explains how teachers may integrate the arts--literary, media, visual, and performing--throughout subject area curriculum and provides a multitude of strategies and examples.Stripped of his greatest ability, will Haruyuki ever be able to rise again...'Completed in 1992 in Lexington, Kentucky, the Miller House stands as José Oubrerie¿s signal accomplishment in the United States.The book concludes with a call for change in this aspect of parenting which will have profound benefits, for the children and families involved, and society as a whole.It is also a great vehicle to motivate the study of science at a time when interest is waning.The authors look at American presidents, Supreme Court justices, United States senators and representatives, and the careers of an entire West Point class.